Creating and Using Keplr Wallet On Kava 9 Mainnet 2022
The Keplr Interchain wallet is a great way to earn from your IBC Token assets on the Kava 9 Mainnet from January 2022. This quick and easy guide will help you get set-up.
Cosmos and IBC select Keplr Wallet as the preferred wallet. Transacting IBC seamlessly between chains enables managing all of your IBC assets in a single location and interacting with a wide variety of interoperable networks and decentralized applications.
In this guide, we take you through the easy steps to set up Keplr and begin loading your IBC assets onto the Kava network to earn with them. Before we get started, there are a few important things to note.

- IBC transactions will not be enabled on the Kava app until the Kava-9 mainnet is released in January 2022.
Connecting to Kava
Connecting to Kava with Keplr is quick and easy. Just follow the steps below to get connected in minutes.
Step One:
Install the Keplr browser extension if you don’t already have it. If you already use Keplr, you can skip this step.
Once installed, click on the Keplr icon in the top right next to your URL bar. You will be prompted to either sign increate a new account, or import an existing account/Ledger.
If you have never used Keplr or Kava before, select “Create new account”. This will take you through the steps to create an account and automatically generate addresses on all supported chains.
For Trust Wallet or Cosmostation Wallet users that have Kava assets already, you may want to import your existing Kava address. You can do this by selecting “Import existing account” or “Import ledger” and inputting your private key or seed phrase on the next screen.
Ledger users should select “Import ledger” and follow the prompts to connect their Ledger with Keplr.
Step two:
Connect to the Kava web app and select “Keplr” when you are prompted to connect your wallet. You will then be prompted by the Keplr browser extension to confirm the connection.
Step Three:
To move IBC assets over to Kava, navigate to the “Balances” tab. There you will see any available Kava and IBC assets along with your balance.
Locate the IBC asset that you want to use on Kava and click “Load/Unload”. In this example, we will be using ATOM.
Step Four:
You will be prompted to provide a Kava address to load the ATOM onto. Select the amount you want to load and click “Load”.
The Keplr extension will prompt you to sign the transaction with your Cosmos address to cover the transaction fee with ATOM. Make sure you have a small amount of ATOM left over to cover the transaction fee.
Step Five:
That’s it! You can now put your ATOM or other IBC asset to work with any protocol on the Kava app that supports them.
If you wish to unload your ATOM or other IBC assets, just click “Load/Unload” again and select the “Unload” tab. Enter the Cosmos address that you want to load the ATOM onto, choose the amount of ATOM you want to unload, and click the “Unload” button.
The Keplr wallet will then prompt you to sign a transaction with your Kava address to cover the transaction fee with KAVA.
Finding Your Address for Kava
To find your address for Kava (or any other chain), just click on the Keplr Wallet extension in your browser window and select Kava (or any chain that you want the address for) from the dropdown at the top.
Below your account name, you will see your Kava address. Just click on it to copy it to your clipboard. That’s it!
Via this site